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Welcome To ORL

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ESTABLISHED IN 1986 as Olivetti Research Laboratory, ORL is now the jointly-funded research laboratory of Ing. C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A, and Oracle Corporation. Over 50 research staff are employed at the company's facilities in central Cambridge, England. The Laboratory is within 500 metres of both the University of Cambridge Engineering Department and Computer Laboratory.

The director and Vice President of Research at ORL is Prof Andy Hopper FEng. He is Professor of Communications Engineering at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College.

ORL's extensive links with the University provide a creative and stimulating `centre of excellence' for the research and development of new technologies in the field of computer engineering.

People at ORL
Contacting People at ORL
Visiting ORL
For further information and suggestions please contact [email protected].
Copyright © 1997, ORL, 24a Trumpington Street, Cambridge, England. CB2 1QA