ORL Home Page

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ESTABLISHED IN 1986 as Olivetti Research Laboratory, ORL is now the jointly-funded research laboratory of Ing. C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A, and Oracle Corporation. The Laboratory is within 500 metres of both the University of Cambridge Engineering Department and Computer Laboratory. ORL's extensive links with the University provide a creative and stimulating `centre of excellence' for the research and development of new technologies in the field of computer engineering.

Welcome to ORL - the people, and how to get here.
Employment opportunities, including student programmes.
Research projects - what goes on at our laboratory.
Free software from ORL!
Interesting pages available from this server.
Technical reports and papers are online, with a searchable index.
Beyond ORL - Cambridge, Olivetti, Oracle, and more.

Statistics are maintained for this server and are updated nightly.
For comments, suggestions and further information please contact us.
Copyright © 1998 ORL, 24a Trumpington Street, Cambridge, England. CB2 1QA