ORL Posters

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These single-page 'posters' describe various aspects of our research as at October 1996.

They are provided in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. If you don't have an Acrobat reader you can download one from Adobe.

You can download all the posters as a single file:

ORL posters Oct 1996 (960k)

or individually as follows:

ATM networking (210k)

Active badges (150k)

CORBA at ORL (78k)

The Medusa Multimedia environment (98k)

Radio ATM networking (44k)

Radio ATM networking project status (120k)

Mobile multimedia streams (60k)

Sensor-driven computing (160k)

Teleporting (55k)

For comments, suggestions and further information please contact us.
Copyright © 1998 ORL, 24a Trumpington Street, Cambridge, England. CB2 1QA